A New Me


Sudah terlalu lama aku membiarkan blog ini tanpa ada apa-apa pengisian. Dan hari ni semangat berkobar-kobar untuk kembali menulis. Untuk itu, aku nak mula semula menulis dan aku hanya nak fokus untuk perkara-perkara yang menggembirakan aku. Bila dah menjengah usia 28 ni, barulah aku lebih terbuka untuk rasa yang hidup ini singkat dan sangat kesian kalau dibazirkan pada benda-benda yang buat aku rasa sedih. So, from now on...I will only write about all the happy moments that I go thru in my daily life. This will be like my happy journal. Everything that makes me happy even the smallest thing such as how gorgeous the sky today, I will surely write it here.

    Sebagai permulaan, aku nak cerita yang aku baru saja balik dari trip camping di Sabah. Aku memang suka gila negeri Sabah ni. Tak tahu nak cakap macam mana, tapi kalau orang tanya negeri mana yang aku nak duduk dan settled down, I would definitely answer 'SABAH'! tahun lepas aku visit Sabah seorang diri. Waktu tu tengah patah hati, so aku pon pergilah membawa diri. Berjalan seorang diri, camping sorang-sorang, drive berbelas jam seorang diri just to reflect on everything that happened to me. It was a great journey.... I get to know myself better while mending a broken heart. It is not easy, the pain doesn't completely disappear but at least I survived.

    So few days ago, i was invited to a camping trip by a good friend, Sobri. I am so glad I'm saying yes to the invitation. I had a very good time with them. I enjoyed every single seconds i spent with them. We talked about lot of things, from life, family, work, love life etc... I didn't know that i can be so talkative about myself. Now i know that once i feel comfortable with people, words will not stop coming from my mouth. I think I've shared too many things with them and now i feel a bit insecure about that hahahaha.

    I will surely treasure every moment masa dekat sana sampai mati. Thank you Allah for the opportunity and the blessing upon me. 


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